Why DU?
We know you have choices when it comes to dance schools in our 25-mile radius.
Why come be a part of Dance Unlimited (DU)? We're wondering, why not?
We would love for you to join our studio family and be a part of the BEST dance studio family in Delaware.
Why come be a part of Dance Unlimited (DU)? We're wondering, why not?
We would love for you to join our studio family and be a part of the BEST dance studio family in Delaware.
Honesty ~ Integrity ~ Tradition ~ Family ~ Friendship
Living by Family First Concept
We are celebrating our 20th dance season in the Middletown-Odessa-Townsend Community
Friendly, Family-Oriented Atmosphere - Family First Positive Attitude Teaching Approach
Exceptional Instructors & Caring Staff available at all times during class sessions
Studio Director/Owner available at the studio in the evenings and on Saturdays
Believers and Promoters of "Children Learn What They Live", "Watch Yourself", and "Make a Change"
Home of the Razzle Dazzle Dance Team (non-competitive) - performs throughout the tri-state area
Home of the Dancin' for a Cure Relay for Life Team - "Together, We Can Make A Difference"
Ballet - Pointe - Tap - Jazz - Hip-Hop - Contemporary - Modern - Lyrical - Strengthening/Conditioning/Dance Tricks
CheerDance - TwirlDance - GymDance - AcroDance - Tumbling - Dance/Music Theater - Ballet Conditioning - Dance Team - Cast
More than 30 classes a week offered for ages 18 months and up
Convenient Location (near Acme, Post Office, Banks, Restaurants, Wawa, Route 1 On/Off Ramps)
Regular Tuition is due on the 10th of the month (not the 1st or the 5th); Discounted Tuition is when tuition is paid by the 5th
Affordable Tuition Rates with many discounts for our busy families (including $5 Off/Birthday Month!)
We offer more discounts than any other local studio to help our busy families with their children's activity expenses
We offer "UNLIMITED" classes at the lowest tuition rate and total hours dancing per week in the area
Only the First Month's Tuition is due at time of enrollment (not first and last months)
Registration Fee is WAIVED during the summer months; not just specific dates or requiring a coupon/ad
(a $25 per-dancer savings for pre-enrollments processed prior to Labor Day)
Acceptable Payments: Cash, Check, Venmo, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AutoPay
(we do not require automatic tuition payment set-up, it is available for your convenience)
We also offer you the opportunity to spread your recital expenses over 10 months September-June to help financially
Free one-week trial class offered for each dance discipline for new enrollment
Quality Stagestep floating sprung floor system with mirrors on 3 walls and a full length double-barre on 4th wall
Portable double-barre for additional barre-work spacing needs
Convenient Cubbies for dancers' personal belonging storage space
Private dancer restroom inside the dance room (separate from the lobby restroom)
Studio Viewing Monitor in the Lobby and Complimentary WiFi
Medium-Large size Lobby area with seating available for approximately 25 adults
In-Studio Boutique for all required attire, shoes, and equipment needs
Convenience Tables in the Lobby for dancers to do homework and parents to do work
Coloring Pages, Books, and Small Toys for our Smaller Guest
Private Lessons ~ Birthday Parties ~ Student Mentor Program
Seasonal Newsletters, Brochures, Flyers, and Studio Communication Board for studio updates
Studio Community Service Projects ~ Together, We Can Make A Difference! (give back concept)
100% Voluntary Studio Fundraiser may be offered (never a requirement; always an option)
Themed Weeks for Studio Family Fun
Bring-a-Friend Week ~ Friendly Costume Dress-Up Week ~ Parent Visitation Week ~ Ugly Sweater Week ~ Parent Participation Week ~ Black Light Dance Week ~ Messy/Crazy Hair Week ~ Disney Week ~ Pajama Week ~ Past Recital T-Shirt Week
Dance/Music Theater Presentation ~ Annual Christmas Program ~ Annual Summer Spotlight Program
Annual Full Themed/Costume Recital Production during the end of June
No-Fees-to-You Seamstress for all recital costume alteration needs
All calendar dates and financial obligations are published at the start of dance season - no hidden costs!
Our June tuition payment covers 2 weeks of regular classes and 1 week of In-Studio rehearsals (2 one-hour sessions per class)
Our Recital Production fees are not built into our tuition or registration fee; all recital production fees are posted at the start of each dance season and are separate fees to help offset the total cost of our annual production event
Dance is educational ~ Technique is learned in a fun, relaxed, but controlled setting
We talk during class; but not out of control - it is not silent at our studio
We eat at our studio, and yes, sometimes there are spills in the lobby (that's what the floor cleaner is for)
We keep it POSITIVE - we do not say "Can't", "Shut-Up", "Stupid", or any other negative words
We live by the "say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it meanly" words of wisdom
There are no notebooks to be written in (we leave that for the academic school system)
We're not building a business relationship, we're building a lifetime family friendship through the love of dance!
We do not charge a before/after care fee for dancers' early drop-off/late pick-up due to families juggling life (a $25-$100 savings!)
We coordinate and cooperate with our dancers to allow them to participate in school sports, musicals, and local theatre activities
And...every dancer is offered a lollipop at the end of class...
Honesty ~ Integrity ~ Tradition ~ Family ~ Friendship
Exceptional Dance Education from Exceptional Dance Professionals
Living by the Family First Concept
We are celebrating our 20th dance season in the Middletown-Odessa-Townsend Community
Friendly, Family-Oriented Atmosphere - Family First Positive Attitude Teaching Approach
Exceptional Instructors & Caring Staff available at all times during class sessions
Studio Director/Owner available at the studio in the evenings and on Saturdays
Believers and Promoters of "Children Learn What They Live", "Watch Yourself", and "Make a Change"
Home of the Razzle Dazzle Dance Team (non-competitive) - performs throughout the tri-state area
Home of the Dancin' for a Cure Relay for Life Team - "Together, We Can Make A Difference"
Ballet - Pointe - Tap - Jazz - Hip-Hop - Contemporary - Modern - Lyrical - Strengthening/Conditioning/Dance Tricks
CheerDance - TwirlDance - GymDance - AcroDance - Tumbling - Dance/Music Theater - Ballet Conditioning - Dance Team - Cast
More than 30 classes a week offered for ages 18 months and up
Convenient Location (near Acme, Post Office, Banks, Restaurants, Wawa, Route 1 On/Off Ramps)
Regular Tuition is due on the 10th of the month (not the 1st or the 5th); Discounted Tuition is when tuition is paid by the 5th
Affordable Tuition Rates with many discounts for our busy families (including $5 Off/Birthday Month!)
We offer more discounts than any other local studio to help our busy families with their children's activity expenses
We offer "UNLIMITED" classes at the lowest tuition rate and total hours dancing per week in the area
Only the First Month's Tuition is due at time of enrollment (not first and last months)
Registration Fee is WAIVED during the summer months; not just specific dates or requiring a coupon/ad
(a $25 per-dancer savings for pre-enrollments processed prior to Labor Day)
Acceptable Payments: Cash, Check, Venmo, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AutoPay
(we do not require automatic tuition payment set-up, it is available for your convenience)
We also offer you the opportunity to spread your recital expenses over 10 months September-June to help financially
Free one-week trial class offered for each dance discipline for new enrollment
Quality Stagestep floating sprung floor system with mirrors on 3 walls and a full length double-barre on 4th wall
Portable double-barre for additional barre-work spacing needs
Convenient Cubbies for dancers' personal belonging storage space
Private dancer restroom inside the dance room (separate from the lobby restroom)
Studio Viewing Monitor in the Lobby and Complimentary WiFi
Medium-Large size Lobby area with seating available for approximately 25 adults
In-Studio Boutique for all required attire, shoes, and equipment needs
Convenience Tables in the Lobby for dancers to do homework and parents to do work
Coloring Pages, Books, and Small Toys for our Smaller Guest
Private Lessons ~ Birthday Parties ~ Student Mentor Program
Seasonal Newsletters, Brochures, Flyers, and Studio Communication Board for studio updates
Studio Community Service Projects ~ Together, We Can Make A Difference! (give back concept)
100% Voluntary Studio Fundraiser may be offered (never a requirement; always an option)
Themed Weeks for Studio Family Fun
Bring-a-Friend Week ~ Friendly Costume Dress-Up Week ~ Parent Visitation Week ~ Ugly Sweater Week ~ Parent Participation Week ~ Black Light Dance Week ~ Messy/Crazy Hair Week ~ Disney Week ~ Pajama Week ~ Past Recital T-Shirt Week
Dance/Music Theater Presentation ~ Annual Christmas Program ~ Annual Summer Spotlight Program
Annual Full Themed/Costume Recital Production during the end of June
No-Fees-to-You Seamstress for all recital costume alteration needs
All calendar dates and financial obligations are published at the start of dance season - no hidden costs!
Our June tuition payment covers 2 weeks of regular classes and 1 week of In-Studio rehearsals (2 one-hour sessions per class)
Our Recital Production fees are not built into our tuition or registration fee; all recital production fees are posted at the start of each dance season and are separate fees to help offset the total cost of our annual production event
Dance is educational ~ Technique is learned in a fun, relaxed, but controlled setting
We talk during class; but not out of control - it is not silent at our studio
We eat at our studio, and yes, sometimes there are spills in the lobby (that's what the floor cleaner is for)
We keep it POSITIVE - we do not say "Can't", "Shut-Up", "Stupid", or any other negative words
We live by the "say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it meanly" words of wisdom
There are no notebooks to be written in (we leave that for the academic school system)
We're not building a business relationship, we're building a lifetime family friendship through the love of dance!
We do not charge a before/after care fee for dancers' early drop-off/late pick-up due to families juggling life (a $25-$100 savings!)
We coordinate and cooperate with our dancers to allow them to participate in school sports, musicals, and local theatre activities
And...every dancer is offered a lollipop at the end of class...
Honesty ~ Integrity ~ Tradition ~ Family ~ Friendship
Exceptional Dance Education from Exceptional Dance Professionals
Living by the Family First Concept